Episode C23 – Eclipse

Synopsis: A siege by Adad-nirari’s subordinate, Nergal-Eresh, finally breaks the Damascene hold over southern Syria and Canaan. The Urartian kings Menua and Argishti press Assyria’s frontiers, even as they conquer and secure new territories in the Araxes River valley. In the reigns of Adad-nirari’s sons, […]

Episode C22 – Shammuramat

Synopsis: Emerging triumphant from civil war, Shamshi-Adad V devotes his energies to humbling Babylonia. Upon his death, his wife Shammuramat acts as regent for their son, Adad-nirari III, and both campaign across the Euphrates to confront a resurgent Arpad. Under its vigorous king Menua, Urartu […]

Episode C20 – Like A Fire

Synopsis: In Shalmaneser’s final years, his eldest son – the crown prince Assur-danin-pal – enters into rebellion, while his younger son, Shamshi-Adad, struggles to defend his father’s legacy. “Where my brother Assur-danin-pal, in the time of Shalmaneser, his father, acted wickedly, bringing about sedition, rebellion, […]

Episode C19 – The Anointed

Synopsis: Hazael of Aram-Damascus and Jehu of Israel bring desolation to the house of Omri. After decades of leading Assyrian campaigns, Shalmaneser III dispatches his turtanu, Dayan-Assur, to fight the newly-formed kingdom of Urartu. “And the Lord said unto (Elijah), Go, return on thy way […]

Episode C18 – Qarqar

Synopsis: A coalition marshalled by Hadad-ezer of Aram-Damascus and Urahilina of Hamath successfully defends southern Syria from further Assyrian encroachment. But a decade of campaigning by Shalmaneser begins to take its toll. “I destroyed, devastated, and set fire to Qarqar, his royal city. Urahilina brought […]

Episode C16 – Kar Shalmaneser

Synopsis: Shalmaneser’s Syrian invasions were countered by a coalition forged by King Ahuni of Bit-Adini.  But repeated campaigns wore down his rivals and ended in Assyrian dominance. “Ahuni, terrified by my terrible, awe-inspiring weapons and my grim warfare, crossed over the Euphrates to save his […]