Synopsis: A coalition marshalled by Hadad-ezer of Aram-Damascus and Urahilina of Hamath successfully defends southern Syria from further Assyrian encroachment. But a decade of campaigning by Shalmaneser begins to take its toll.
“I destroyed, devastated, and set fire to Qarqar, his royal city. Urahilina brought twelve kings to his support; they came against me to offer battle and fight: 1,200 chariots, 1,200 cavalry, and 20,000 soldiers belonging to Hadad-ezer of Damascus; 700 chariots, 700 cavalry, and 10,000 soldiers belonging to Urahilina of Hamath; 2,000 chariots, and 10,000 soldiers belonging to Ahab, the Israelite; 500 soldiers belonging to the Gueans; 1,000 soldiers belonging to the Musreans; 10 chariots and 10,000 soldiers belonging to the Irkanateans; 200 soldiers belonging to Matinuba’il the Arwadite; 200 soldiers belonging to the Usanateans; 30 chariots and 1,000 soldiers belonging to Adunu-ba’il the Shianean; 1,000 camels belonging to Gindibu’ the Arabian; and 1,000 soldiers [belonging to] Baasha, son of Ruhubi, the Ammonite. Trusting in the exalted might which the lord Assur had given me, in the mighty weapons, which Nergal, who goes before me, had presented to me, I battled with them.” – The Kurkh Stele of Shalmaneser III
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Map of the Early Iron Age Near East:
Map of Early Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan:
The Kings of Syria and Canaan:
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A fantastic Christmas present! Glad to see you back after your break — I was depressed at the announcement of a hiatus after C12, ngl; but I return to find a bunch more episodes awaiting me… NICE! 🙏
But hey, my friend: quick Q: do you happen to remember what episode — of your first series — contained the bit about the apparently-really-desirable idols? (And/or which king it was who took them initially?)
No worries if not; that bit just cracked me up and I want to reference it in an e-mail, heh. I still remember your comment — albeit probably inadvertently-paraphrased — “[pause] …wow, what was it about these idols?!”
The incredulity in your voice… LOL. Still gets me!
I just can’t quite remember when it was; but I’ll be re-listening from #2* soon anyway, so I’ll find it regardless by then if you don’t recall (and to be fair, that was a long time and many episodes ago!).
Cheers, and thanks for your fantastic serieseses! I’ve forced my girlfriend to listen to them on road trips enough that she has reluctantly begin to admit that history is fascinating after all, muahahaha. 👊
*(skipping #1 just ’cause I wanna get to the bronze ‘n’ battles, not due to any flaw in the episode!)
Hi, thanks for stopping by! Yes, if you just came back you have 6 new Eps waiting (even more if you join the Patreon page 😉 I think I recall the Ep in question, I believe it was in the first half of Episode 15 of the original series. Glad it still gives you a chuckle 😉 I’m glad your girlfriend is slowly coming around. If the first series doesn’t grab her, maybe Bloodline or Thea will. Take care, thanks again, and have a great 2023! – Scott C.
THANK YOU! Good advice, too — she’s finding Thea easier to get into. A gateway drug before the addiction to the real potent Chesworth…
I asked a while ago — a year? half? — on your Hiatus post, I believe, if there was a way to donate; I’m glad to see you’ve got a Patreon! I’ll be signing up ASAP. Cheers!
You’re welcome!!! 😉