A few weeks ago, I was invited to do an IAMA (“I am _____, ask me anything”) thread on Reddit.com. As many TAW listeners probably know, Reddit is a major web community, with roughly 20 million users. As an extra bonus, recent Reddit IAMAs have […]
Month: June 2013
Episode 30 – The Lost Army
“So Darius son of Hystaspes was made king, and the whole of Asia, which Cyrus first and Cambyses after him had conquered, was subject to him…and everything was full of his power. First he made and set up a carved stone, upon which was cut […]
Episode 29 – A More Perfect Empire
“Remember this lesson well: Whenever you can, act as a liberator. Freedom, dignity, and wealth—these three together constitute the great happiness of humanity. If you bequeath all three to your people, their love for you will never die.” – Cyrus the Great (quoted by Xenophon) […]