Synopsis: Drusilla marries the Emesene Priest-King Gaius Julius Sohaemus. Rome and Parthia go to war over Armenia. “Our ancestors worshipped the Sun, and they were not that foolish.It makes sense to revere the Sun and the stars, for we are their children.” – Carl Sagan […]
Month: May 2015
Episode B14 – The Just
Synopsis: The divorce of Felix and Drusilla. James and Paul struggle for the soul of early Christianity. “And then it was that the sicarii, as they were called, who were robbers, grew numerous. They made use of small swords, not much different in length from […]
Episode B13 – Zealot
Synopsis: The early life of Drusilla of Mauretania, and her marriage to Marcus Antonius Felix, Roman Procurator of Judea “This Judas, having gotten together a multitude of men of a profligate character about Sepphoris in Galilee, made an assault upon the palace there, and seized […]