I just got clued into this recent Mike Duncan interview on Podcast 411, where he (very accurately!) relates the story of how The Ancient World podcast got started. Enjoy! http://podcast411.libsyn.com/411-i-tem-0228-mike-duncan-from-the-revolutions-and-the-history-of-rome-podcasts And here’s the scoop on the TAW Wrap Party: There’s a bar right down the […]
Year: 2013
Episode 36 – And Then What Happened?
A little time-travel, a quick world tour, and plenty of thanks all around! Series References and Further Reading: https://audio.ancientworldpodcast.com/TOS_References.pdf
Episode 35 – On The Verge
“Rome was not a monarchy, but a free City, and they had made up their minds to open their gates even to an enemy sooner than to a king. It was the universal wish that whatever put an end to liberty in the City should […]
Episode 34 – Democracy and Republic, Part 2
“The Athenians, when ruled by tyrants, were no better in war than their neighbors, but freed from tyrants they were far superior. This shows that when they were constrained they let themselves be defeated, since they were working for an overlord, but when they were […]
Episode 33 – Democracy and Republic, Part 1
“He added the Athenian people, who had formally not been in the center of things, to his own party, changed the names of the tribes and increased their number. He made ten tribal commanders instead of four and distributed demes into the tribes ten at […]
Episode 32 – Things Fixed, Things Moving
“Black is your path, Agni, changeless, with glittering waves! When like a bull you rush eager to the trees.With teeth of flame, wind-driven, through the wood he speeds, triumphant like a bull among the herd of cows,With bright strength roaming to the everlasting air: things […]
Episode 31 – Land of Imposters
“After I became king, I fought nineteen battles in a single year and, by the grace of Ahura Mazda, I overthrew nine kings and I made them captive…As to these provinces which revolted, lies made them revolt, so that they deceived the people. Then Ahura […]
Episode 30 – The Lost Army
“So Darius son of Hystaspes was made king, and the whole of Asia, which Cyrus first and Cambyses after him had conquered, was subject to him…and everything was full of his power. First he made and set up a carved stone, upon which was cut […]
Episode 29 – A More Perfect Empire
“Remember this lesson well: Whenever you can, act as a liberator. Freedom, dignity, and wealth—these three together constitute the great happiness of humanity. If you bequeath all three to your people, their love for you will never die.” – Cyrus the Great (quoted by Xenophon) […]