Off Again

Just a quick note to say that the latest Episode, “The Black Stone,” will be the last one for the next month or so, due to Vacation and a few other things.  Around the end of October, I’ll be back with the final three episodes of the Severan story arc, which should wrap up just before the Holidays.  At that point, I’ll be over three-quarters done with “The Ancient World – Bloodline” – and’ll be rounding the corner toward home.  And by the way, the next episode – Episode B37 – will officially make Bloodline my longest series to-date! 

While I’m away, please keep helping out with the Twitter Follows, the Facebook Likes and – especially – the iTunes Reviews.  And for anyone listening to the show on iTunes outside the US, I’d really appreciate if you could copy and paste my written iTunes reviews (for your country) and e-mail them to  I can’t access my foreign reviews from the US and would like to check them out.  Thanks again and I’ll see you all in a month or so! – Scott C.

5 thoughts on “Off Again

  1. Started over again, listening to these shows of yours whill you're ta king a break. Each time I find something I missed so far. Very well done and some good humor added as well. Awesome. Keep up the good work. Hopefully these never end

  2. Thanks, glad you're still enjoying them! I do try to pack in a lot of info, but hopefully the humor makes them go down easy. Take care! – Scott C.

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