Synopsis: The early years of Cleopatra Selene, daughter of Cleopatra and Mark Antony.
“And herein particularly did he give offense to the Romans, since he bestowed the honorable and solemn rites of his native country upon the Egyptians for Cleopatra’s sake.” – Plutarch, The Life of Marcus Antonius
“Pity fixed the eyes of the Romans upon the infants; and many of them could not forbear tears, and all beheld the sight with a mixture of sorrow and pleasure, until the children were passed.” – Plutarch, The Life of Lucius Aemilius Paulus
Triptychs for Episodes B1 through B21:
References and Further Reading:
Even as a teenage girl, you're still a really gripping narrator! Thank you for the new series, I'm enjoying hypothesizing about what the broader theme might be.
This is great, we always learn about history from the viewpoint of the victors, so this is a nice change. I'm looking forward to hearing each new episode.
Thanks! (I think 😉 Hope you enjoy the series!
Glad you like it! This series should have a lot of new perspectives, hope you find it interesting. Take care!
Thanks, thanks, thanks!!! 😉
I've been catching up, and just listened to B1. Wow, you are a great story teller. This podcast is right at the top of my list.
Thanks, I'm still really proud of that one. Hope you enjoy the rest of the series. New Eps coming out soon. Take care, Scott
Your whole series has been great, from the beginning. I've been hitting Roman, Byzantine, and English history pretty hard (Duncan, Pierson, and Crowther, respectively), and I found myself wondering, hey, what was happening before all this stuff? Your podcast was the perfect resource. Great content, and a very nice style! It's a pleasure that I see a bazillion episodes still to enjoy.
Glad to hear it, thanks!