The Ancient World – Rediscovery

Anniversaries can be fun!  Unless you’ve forgotten to buy a gift, and your wife has gotten you something really great – that can be problematic.  But I’m here to talk about the fun kind.  This April 4 will be the second anniversary of my posting Episode 1 of “The Ancient World.”  So I thought it would be a nice, resonant date for launching my new podcast (mini-)series, “The Ancient World – Rediscovery.”  I say (mini-)series since it’s both my intention and expectation that the new series will run a dozen or fewer episodes.  (Mini-) is in parentheses since, well, “The Ancient World” was also originally supposed to only run for a dozen episodes, so that shows you how well I can plan sometimes. 

What will the series be about?  This is one book you CAN judge by its cover.  Awhile back, I started thinking that it might be fun to trace the rediscovery of some of these ancient civilizations in the modern era.  Not only would give the original series a nice sense of symmetry, and let me explore some other historical periods, but I was also pretty sure there’d be some interesting stories to tell along the way.  So I picked a number of re-discoveries that I think tie in well with the original series, started researching and writing about them, and – like I said – intend to post the first episode this April 4. 

Technically-speaking, I’m doing my best to keep the process seamless for you, the TAW listener:  same website, same iTunes subscription, same social media links, etc.  If you’re already subscribed (and thanks for staying subscribed!) the first episode should pop right up and you’ll be off and running.  Thanks again for listening, and I hope you enjoy the new series!  – Scott C.

21 thoughts on “The Ancient World – Rediscovery

  1. Should be interesting. While listening to the original podcast, I often wondered what ever happened to those great capital cities that were destroyed like Nineveh or Babylon. Good luck!

  2. I'm jazzed! At the end of the first TAW, I was trying to figure out some compelling argument that might persuade you to do just what you propose! It feels like Christmas… For some reason, I am captivated by the ancient past, and, at the risk of sounding like a weird fanboy, or some other kind of major dork, you've got the best delivery in the business – and there are some quality purveyors in contention for that title. I'm glad you're going to be back, and really looking forward to more of your excellent work. I would like to thank you very, very much for putting in the substantial amount of time and effort it must take to do what you do.

  3. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the original series, and glad the new series is also something you're interested in. And thanks for the compliment on my delivery – you can probably attribute that to a few years of college radio! As far as producing this, you're very welcome. I wouldn't do it if I didn't love it, and I'm always happy when the series makes a connection with someone. Take care!

  4. Yay! Just when I decided to revisit the series myself, you go and elaborate on it! Thank you Scott, for all past and future endeavors, and good luck! It's selfish for me to hope this 'mini' business will be a gross underestimation 😉

  5. This was a fantastic surprise! Coincidentally two days ago I had just marked all the episodes as unplayed so that I could listen to the series again.

    So, thank you Scott. I am very much looking forward to your new (mini) series.


  6. It was a pleasant surprise to see your podcast updated with a new chapter. I can't get enough about the ancient world. There are a million subjects dealing with the ancient world you could produce, from religions to politics and so on. Stay busy my friend! And I'll keep listening.

  7. What a splendid idea for a follow-up series! First episode feels really fresh and familiar at the same time. Good luck on the rest of the series! I just ended revisiting the original series, so the new episodes are right on time. Looking forward to see where this is heading (selfishly I hope into a not-quite miniseries!).
    Thanks Scott! You rule!


  8. Thanks! And thanks for the feedback – that's exactly what I was going for, something for both long-time listeners and a good entry-point for new listeners. Glad you're enjoying it! Thanks again

  9. Hi Scott,
    I can't tell you surprised and pleased I was to find you had restarted the podcast. I'm looking forward to many more hours of listening pleasure. Keep up the good work!

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