A Few Updates

Hi TAW listeners!

You may have noticed that I’ve passed the dozen episode mark and still have a few hundred years and a lot of history to cover before I reach 500 BC. In a nod to reality, I’ve changed the blog subtitle from “(around) a dozen” to “(around) twenty” podcasts. The fact that the series has grown since my original outline is definitely a good thing for me, since it means I’ve come across a lot of new and interesting information that I wanted to pass along while researching each culture and period. And if you’re a fan of the podcast, hopefully it’s a good thing for you too, since that means there will be more of the series to listen to!

I also wanted to mention that The Ancient World is now available on Stitcher SmartRadio. With Stitcher, you can listen to episodes on your iPhone, Android Phone, Kindle Fire and other devices. You can find Stitcher in your app store or at stitcher.com. The Ancient World Stitcher link is now included over on the right-hand side of this blog page (along with the Facebook, iTunes and Twitter links).

And lastly (for the moment), I wanted to mention that The Ancient World page on Facebook just got its 100th “Like.” That’s a fun milestone, and I’d like to thank everyone involved for making it happen. If you haven’t had the chance to check out The Ancient World Facebook page yet, it’s the forum I often use for more frequent and informal updates regarding both the podcast series and other related topics. Please feel free to come by for a visit.

Thanks again for listening, and please keep spreading the word!

Scott C.

4 thoughts on “A Few Updates

  1. I thought that you would go past (around) a dozen". I'm way behind on listening as I am currently engrossed by The Peloponnesian War by Donald Kagan. This may fall into the classical period and therefore may be a bit too modern for your podcast, but it is still fascinating. I'll hop right over to your FB page and like it.

  2. I would never think of dragging someone away from the Peloponnesian War! I'll still be around when you're done 😉 Thanks for listening, and for the "Like"!

  3. Excuse me being 'from the ancient world' myself, technologically speaking, but I can't seem to locate your Facebook page. What is its title exactly?

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