Synopsis: The Sabaeans and Himyarites leveraged their control over south Arabian aromatics into a lucrative trade that spanned the ancient world. The region’s remoteness, wealth and active diplomacy afforded some protection from the powerful empires who frequently dominated the north. Map of the Arabian Peninsula:
Tag: Trajan
Episode B23 – Parthicus
Synopsis: At the far point of his campaign, Trajan’s Eastern conquests begin to slip from his fingers. “Thence he came to the (Persian Gulf) itself, and when he had learned its nature and seen a boat sailing to India, he said: ‘I should certainly have […]
Episode B22 – Optimus
Synopsis: Silas guides Emesa in its transition to a pilgrimage site. The death of King Tiridates I of Armenia brings Rome and Parthia into conflict. “(Parthomasiris) greeted him, took off his diadem from his head, and laid it at (Trajan’s) feet. Then he stood there […]