Synopsis: Severus’ close friendship with Plautianus estranges him from his family. In his final years, a rebellion in Britannia provides one last opportunity to shape his legacy.
“The contemporaries of Severus, in this enjoyment of the peace and glory of his reign, forgave the cruelties by which it had been introduced. Posterity, who experienced the fatal effects of his maxims and example, justly considered him as the principal author of the decline of the Roman Empire.” – Edward Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 1, Chapter 5
References and Further Reading:
Yay! Great to see you back and good as ever.
Thanks! Should be back on the bi-weekly schedule for the foreseeable. Enjoy!
Well done sir! Back with a vengeance, you must have missed pod casting.
Thanks! Yep, I'm enjoying my time with the Severans 😉 It's nice to have members of the Bloodline who are so well-documented, better for trying to dig into personalities and motivations. Take care!