Episode T15 – Grypus

Synopsis: Cleopatra Thea convinces her son Antiochus VIII Grypus to return to Syria and share the throne.  But once Zabinas is defeated and the kingdom secure, Grypus decides to avenge his brother’s murder.

“Ptolemy (Physcon)…proceeded to devote his entire strength to the destruction of Alexander (Zabinas’) kingdom, which the latter had acquired by Ptolemy’s resources solely because of his hatred for Demetrius (II).  He therefore sent assistance to Grypus on a massive scale and also gave him the hand of his daughter, Tryphaena, in marriage.”  – Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus, Book 39

“After recovering his father’s throne and being freed from threats from abroad, Grypus became the target of his mother’s treachery.  Through her lust for power she had already betrayed her husband, Demetrius, and killed her other son; now she took it ill that her prestige was diminished by Grypus’ victory, and so she set before him a cup of poison.”  – Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus, Book 39

2 thoughts on “Episode T15 – Grypus

  1. Let me recommend an old BBC show called the Cleopatras. The early episodes cover the Thea characters. Easily found on youtube. Excuse me if someone mentioned before.

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